Thursday, December 30, 2010


We have had a great Christmas and are REALLY enjoying the break. I got a Wii for Christmas this year from Santa, and that has helped make this really feel like Christmas to me. Even Andy likes it!! I am having to ration my time playing Mario brothers...but it is a truly awesome blast from the past! Here are some shots of our holiday season...
Reeves Christmas 2010..."vintage" themed.

A lot of Christmas well as commandeering my camera (a la Tucker)

O'Neal Christmas at our house

Christmas morning. This was the first year that someone other than me woke up with the express purpose of opening presents. This year it was Lauren. She woke up several times between 3:30-ish and 5:45, when we actually got up.

And now, we are puppy-sitting Oscar, the wonder weiner. He is a great dog and the kids are having a super fun time taking him on walks.

Last but not least, we have welcomed new niece and cousin, Peyton Abigail this December. I may or may not have cried the first time I got to hold her (on Christmas day). And Tucker may or may not have made a point to show her his new dump truck.

Peace on earth, good will toward men!

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