Friday, April 5, 2013

Random Thoughts That Come to Mind

-If I could make one edit to my previous post, I would take out the word 'unfortunately' from the begininning of the 4th paragraph. Although I have days where I feel like I will explode any minute, I would like to clarify that I would not change things.

-I realized yesterday that I have been driving for twenty years. When did that happen?? Thirty-five is looming, and it is fweaking me out.

-There is an Amber Alert going on this week, so we have had several conversations in the car about what that means. This morning I asked the kids what they would do if a stranger was trying to get them to go with him. Lauren replied, "ask for his phone and call 911." God love her.

She's still this size/age, right?

-Started reading Carry On, Warrior (by Glennon Melton, Momastery) last night. A lot of it is from the blog, but I love her writing. Was tearing up at the foreword.

-I can't remember, are you supposed to italicize the names of books, or underline them? Eh, too lazy to google that right now.

-Also have started reading Lean In by that Facebook lady (Just kidding, I know that her name is Sheryl Sandberg.) (thanks, Mom). It is surprisingly read-able. Girl power!!

-I am so over this gray and chilly weather. It is killing my productivity. Its a relapse of winter depression. Come on already, Spring!

-Mom, your turn.

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