Sunday, March 29, 2015

One Of These Things May Not Be Entirely Accurate

We have had an eventful weekend.

Merritt served as the flower girl in one of our dear preschool teacher's wedding. We celebrated all day Friday and Saturday. Princess mode was in full force, with a visit to the nail salon, getting her hair did (complete with flower crown), and amazing dress.

The weather was cold and it actually sleeted right as the bridal party processed in (that's good luck, right?), but the reception took us inside to our local River Market which was the perfect place to have a party. Food was great, the cakes were amazing and the dancing was fun. Mimi was pooped so we didn't stick around to see the couple leave, but overall it was a great experience.

We drug a little this morning so we went to Palm Sunday mass at 11:00 instead of our usual 9:00. We processed in behind Coach Saban. Mass was L O N G. Merritt thankfully fell asleep. We had fortunately remembered that today was the University's Easter Egg Hunt! Our baskets overflowed.

(mostly, its just following sorority girls around who are dropping eggs.)

And I got a new tattoo on my wrist.

Other than that, our weekend has been spent looking to the skies to see the Blue Angels flying above. Although we didn't buy tickets, we got some good views, especially this afternoon from our backyard. Super cool. Since the wedding was over, I trimmed the very end off of Mimi's hair. I have homework to do tonight. We will have leftovers for supper. I am tired.

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