Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Ohmygosh...when did Tucker start looking this old? When he saw this pic, he proclaimed, "He's nekkid!"

This is Lauren's drawing of "Max and Ruby," which is a cartoon she watches starring bunny rabbits. I had to take a pic since it was on the doodle pad so I could save it for posterity...what an artiste!!

We are having a good Labor Day weekend so far. Yesterday, L & T went to the park with Daddy in the morning and we spent the afternoon at the pool, before coming home to our football season opener on TV...the kids made it through the 7:00 kickoff and promptly went to bed.

Today has been more of the same, church, the park, Target...outside baths on the deck (probably the last one...ever, since Lauren is getting too old for it)

And the day off to look forward to tomorrow!!!

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