Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Put Down the Candy Corn

"We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup." -Buddy the Elf

It is not even October yet, and yet my candy corn consumption is reaching massive proportions. It is like crack!! I have to say that I never ever liked candy corn until two years ago. Lauren requested some and so we picked some up while at Target. AND THEN I MADE THE MISTAKE THAT WILL HAUNT ME FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.....

I got some peanuts. And some m&ms. Oh.My.Gosh. This is quite possibly the most perfect food combination ever invented, right behind cheddar cheese and onion on a frito.

And now, I'm hooked. I can't stay away. I've moved beyond having to mix the candy corn with the peanuts and m&ms, and now eat them straight. Help!

(bonus confession: I bought a bag of the pumpkins last week. those are no longer allowed in my house. went waayyyy too quickly)

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